If you are a translator and would like to be part of TW Languages expanding team of translators, and you meet the criteria below, please fill and complete the application form.
TRANSLATOR & REVISER QUALIFICATION must have at least one of the following criteria:
1. Has obtained a recognised qualification (e.g. degree, diploma, certificate) in translation or in linguistic or language studies that include translation training, from an institution of higher education, and 2yrs of translation experience.
2. Has obtained a recognised qualification (e.g. degree, diploma, certificate) in any other field from an institution of higher education and has 2yrs of full-time professional experience in translating.
3. Has 5+ years of full-time professional experience in translating.
Professional experience over longer periods of part-time work can equate to full time period.
If you are unable to download the application form please email your CV with your contact details including translation specialisation to – info@twlanguages.com.
If you are a translation graduate looking for an Internship email your CV to info@twlanguages.com
If you are interested in a Translation Project Manager role at TW Languages email your CV to info@twlanguages.com