Translation of long German words: a phrasebook for show-offs

5 phrases that visitors to Germany might use to impress the locals, ranging from 41 letters to 80 letters!  No wonder translating into German is challenging! Not necessarily needed for the business traveller!


63 letters  Translation – officially out of use since 2013, this means “law for the delegation of monitoring beef labelling” – When to use it? While quizzing the hotel chef about his sauerbraten.


41 letters  Translation – Danube steamship company captain- When to use it – earn your place at the captain’s table as your cruise ship sets sail from Passau.


80 letters  Translation – Association for Subordinate Officials of the Head Office Management of the Danube Steamboat Electrical Services – When to use it – after a dozen schnapps with the aforementioned captain.


46 letters  Translation – companies providing mass communications services – When to use it? While looking for a biergarten in which to watch the big football game.


49 letters Translation: a trainee assistant social insurance broker – When to use it? While discussing Bayern Munich’s footballing dominance, for example: “This year’s Bundesliga title race was as boring as a Sozialversicherungsfachangestelltenauszubildender”.

A great article from Oliver Smith, Telegraph’s Digital Travel Editor (to read the full article go to the following link)